Streaming on Twitch

  • Written on: Tu Feb 2020
  • Last update: Tu Feb 2020

Today I started streaming on Twitch. I’ve always wanted to do some live codings on this platform. Years ago I’ve worked on a platform dedicated to live codings, so it became something I really liked to watch.

There is something special about streaming your coding sessions that I like. You can think out loud without sounding stupid and you can share you knownledge to random dudes on the Internet. It feels really rewarding.

I started today by making a small game based on the popular game by @elisee « BombParty » . I’m using a tech that I don’t know very well ( to add some challenge. The objective is to copy the same game, maybe improve it a bit, and then publish it online with the source code. I’m not doing this to make money but learn stuff that I could use in my daily job.

From my first stream, I received a very nice comment in the chat telling me that the person liked the stream and it was very chill for him. That was the first nice thing someone said to me on this platform and it motives me to continue.

If you want to follow me on Twitch and know when I’m live, checkout my channel.

See ya!